STONEFATHER by Orson Scott Card

Novella: (Mithermages)

Runnel isn’t appreciated by his family or his little village. His father abuses him, his siblings taunt him, and even his mother doesn’t seem overly fond. So one day he walks to the edge of his village and just keeps going. He’s never been outside of his village before, so everything is new. Eventually he comes to a city whose walls and bridges are crumbling. He’s told that this is the city of the water mages, the magicians who cast out the stone mages that built the beautiful city. After the mage war, the victorious water mages will only allow one stone mage in the town. He lives in a grand house and is treated with respect, but he is spied upon and mistrusted because if he ever brings his colleagues back into the city, the water mages fear that they’ll lose their ruling positions.

After meeting a friendly girl at the city’s well, Runnel follows her home and finds employment in the home of the stone mage. There he learns about the history and politics of this strange city, and he learns a lot about himself, too. It seems that Runnel may have an affinity for stone.








Alternative Lifestyle/LGBT:

Naughty Little Tidbits: Disturbing Behaviour, Disrespect Loving Authority Figures, Disrespect Rules/Laws


Writing Style:


Main Characters:


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Comments: Fantastic taste into the world of Mithermages. Orson knows his craft.

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